Undergoing home modifications in high traffic areas such as kitchens and bathrooms is really important when it comes to independent living. However, a lot of the time, these accessible spaces can seem clinical and unfriendly. This definitely does not have to be the case and wasn’t for a recent complex bathroom modification we facilitated for an insurance funded client.
As you can see in the before and after pictures below, the old bathroom was small, inaccessible by wheelchair and our client had to be pushed into her bathroom and shower on a commode. The modified bathroom (after) looks like any modern, recently renovated bathroom, however was specifically designed and built so that our client can access the bathroom and shower in her manual wheelchair, and is able to pivot transfer onto the shower bench shown in the photos. Our client strongly self-advocated for a bathroom with a mainstream feel to suit her home, which we supported her with as part of her application with the insurer. The result was a bright, open bathroom that met all her functional needs, and looks just like the beautiful “regular bathroom” our client wanted.