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Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is the physical environment (eg. a home) of a participant that has been specially designed for eligible NDIS participants with very high support needs and/or an extreme functional impairment.

An NDIS participant who has extreme functional impairment cannot do (or has a lot of trouble doing) daily living tasks without intensive one-on-one support. Very high support needs include those who are cognitively vulnerable, or have lived in SDA or SDA like environments for a long period of time.

The intention of Specialist Disability Accommodation is not to provide housing for all people with a disability – it only caters for participants that require a specialist housing solution to receive the supports they need and live more independently.

If you’re an NDIS participant, or the family member or support coordinator of an NDIS participant looking to self-provide SDA, we can assist you with exploring the many home and living options available. Rather than waste valuable NDIS funds pursuing an SDA assessment that’s inappropriate or build something sub optimal to what you’re eligible for, we recommend you book an SDA Home and Living Consultation prior to proceeding in the SDA space. More information on the Optimal Therapy Home and Living Consultation services can be found here.